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ACCESS Breaks Barriers to Vital Eye Care in San Francisco

February 6, 2025

Over the past three years, the ACCESS (Alleviating Costs for Critical Eye Specialty Services) program, managed by Madeline Yung, MD, and Tyson Kim, MD, PhD, has successfully provided treatments to 76 patients and counting.

Patients served by ACCESS suffer from sight-threatening corneal pathologies such as keratoconus, infectious keratitis, corneal scarring or ulceration, limbal stem cell deficiency, and other forms of corneal ectasia. The program has covered the costs of medically necessary treatments including custom-fit scleral or RGP lenses, serum tears, and compounded eye drops. These treatments are typically not covered, or are grossly under-covered, by insurance and would pose a significant financial burden on patients at Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG).

Additional funding for the ACCESS program is needed to further expand the number of patients served and treatments provided. To date, ACCESS has focused on supporting the most underserved ophthalmic patients at ZSFG. We are expanding ACCESS cost-coverage to include specialty eye care services for underserved patients at UCSF Health as well.

ACCESS largely operates at ZSFG and works in collaboration with the Department of Care Coordination. Most patients enrolled in the program are seen by providers at the ZSFG Ophthalmology and Optometry Clinic. Eligible patients are identified by ophthalmologists in the clinic. Depending on their needs, patients either receive compounded eye drops directly from the compounding pharmacy for outpatient use, or they are referred to specialty optometrists for scleral lens fitting.

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