San Francisco, California
SCORPIO (Seasonal Conjunctivitis Outbreak Reporting for Prevention and Improved Outcomes): An epidemiologic study to assess the major causes of bacterial conjunctivitis worldwide. In collaboration with Oregon Health and Science University, University of Nebraska, and University of California, Los Angeles.
See other locations
ADJUST (Adalimumab in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-associated Uveitis Stopping Trial): A randomized clinical trial assessing when to withdraw adalimumab in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis. Also located in the United Kingdom and Australia.
Yurimaguas, Peru
mHealth: Developing a mobile application that will allow photo-diagnosis of trachoma, as well as visual acuity assessment and autorefraction for children who may need glasses.
United Kingdom
ADJUST (Adalimumab in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-associated Uveitis Stopping Trial): A randomized clinical trial assessing when to withdraw adalimumab in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis. Also located in the United States of America and Australia.
Three regions in Burkina
Faso, Africa
MIRAMA (Mortalité infantile réduite par l’administration de masse de l’azithromycine; Infant Mortality Reduced by the Mass Administration of Azithromycin): A collaboration with Helen Keller International (HKI) to assess repeated distribution of azithromycin to infants for childhood mortality.
Dosso, Niger
PNSO (Programme National de Promotion de la Santé Oculaire), CRISP (Children's Rehabilitation Institute and Surgical Program), & MOH (Ministry of Health): AVENIR is a cluster-randomized trial assessing the effectiveness of mass azithromycin for childhood mortality.
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic
of Congo, Africa
Auranofin for river blindness: A randomized trial of an old drug auranofin, repurposed to see if it has efficacy against onchocerciasis, the cause of river blindness. The objective is to see whether auranofin can kill adult worms, currently the biggest challenge preventing global elimination of river blindness.
Amhara, Ethiopia
KETFO (Kebele Elimination of Trachoma for Ocular Health): A cluster-randomized trial to determine the minimal core group for antibiotic treatment for the elimination of trachoma.
Bharatpur, Nepal
VIEW II (Village-Integrated Eye Worker Trial II): Village-based screening of people 60 years and older for glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration; the objective is to determine whether village-based screening for these diseases (and linkage to care and treatment) ultimately leads to better vision at the community level.
Madurai, India
CUP (Corneal Ulcer Prevention): Training community health workers how to diagnose and treat corneal abrasions in rural India and Nepal, with the goal of preventing abrasions from developing into a full-fledged corneal infection. (Corneal infections are the second highest cause of blindness in India).
Bangkok, Thailand
STACCATO (Systemic and Topical Control of Cytomegalovirus Anterior uveitis: Treatment Outcomes): A randomized trial to assess the efficacy of different antiviral treatments for cytomegalovirus (CMV) anterior uveitis.
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Telemedicine for CMV retinitis: Studies in assessing the diagnostic accuracy of using simple retinal cameras at the primary care doctor’s office to diagnose CMV retinitis. The goal is to catch the disease earlier, before it causes blindness.
Hanoi, Vietnam
Corneal ulcer diagnostics: Assessment of “portable PCR” - in other words, bringing a sophisticated lab test to the doctor’s office and speeding the diagnosis, especially of fungal and amoebic corneal infections.
ADJUST (Adalimumab in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis-associated Uveitis Stopping Trial): A randomized clinical trial assessing when to withdraw adalimumab in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis. Also located in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.