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All May See Foundation Announces $200,472 in New Faculty Awards

April 21, 2023

All May See Foundation is pleased to announce the following new faculty awards, approved at its April 2023 Board meeting, to the UCSF Department of Ophthalmology:

$44,062 was awarded to Robert Bhisitkul, MD, PhD for – Development of an injectable biopolymer device for sustained intravitreal delivery of carbonic anhydrase inhibitor for the treatment of juvenile X-linked retinoschisis
Contributing Faculty: Tejal Desai, PhD (Brown); and, Jayakurmar Rajadas, PhD (Stanford)

$55,180 was awarded to Felice Dunn, PhD and Jacque Duncan, MD for – Identification of a visually evoked reflex as a more sensitive diagnostic for graded cone loss

$41,500 was awarded to Jonathan Li, MD for – Deep learning system to predict 5-year risk of high myopia using fundus imaging in a North American population of children

$60,000 was awarded to Tyson Kim, MD, PhD for – Multiphoton Aqueous Flowmetry and Image-Guided Laser Therapy: Novel Approaches for Glaucoma Precision Medicine
Contributing Faculty: Yvonne Ou, MD, and, Ying Han, MD, PhD    

Projects were selected through a competitive peer-review process where faculty propose new research and the top-rated proposals are awarded “kick-starter” funding to get their projects up and running.

The Foundation’s goal is that these awards will enable recipients to generate preliminary data that will support larger scale proposals, leveraging the funds to generate additional external federal and private support. Our objective is to hasten scientific breakthroughs in diseases of the eye – here and around the world.

All May See Foundation is committed to saving and restoring sight and inspiring hope that, one day, all may see.