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Graduates Head for Prestigious Fellowships

May 24, 2016

Congratulations to UCSF Ophthalmology residents, Class of 2016!

Three years of concentrated training in vision care and research has led to skills across every subspecialty in ophthalmology. Each resident trains in all UCSF-affiliated vision clinics, including those at San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and the San Francisco VA Medical Center. As emerging leaders in the field, all have accepted postgraduate fellowships at other highly regarded eye centers (listed in order of photo, from left):

Sarah DeParis, MD
Oculoplastic Surgery at Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University

Maanasa Indaram, MD
Pediatric Ophthalmology at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard University

Christopher Aderman, MD
Vitreoretinal surgery at Wills Eye Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University

Irina De la Huerta, MD, PhD
Vitreoretinal Surgery at Associated Retinal Consultants – William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan

Fehrina Ali, MD, MPH
Vitreoretinal surgery at Wills Eye Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University