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Hartwick College Silicon Valley Experience Participants Visit All May See

April 17, 2024

In March, 10 Hartwick College students – along with Professor Carli Ficano and Director of Planned Giving, Patricia Dopazo – from Hartwick College’s Silicon Valley Experience program, visited All May See Foundation at the Wayne and Gladys Valley Center for Vision.

The Silicon Valley Experience program immerses students in the world of innovation, focusing on social impact and justice. They explore cutting-edge organizations, tackling global issues like healthcare, education, and climate change. Through collaboration, students develop skills to effect change locally or globally.

During their visit, the students were able to tour the Wayne and Gladys Valley Center for Vision, led by All May See President Deborah Chesky. Throughout their tour they got a closer look at: the world-class patient care in ophthalmology at both the UCSF and Francis I. Proctor Foundation clinics; the innovative research activities and cutting-edge technological advancements led by doctors, professors, and researchers; and, the impressive philanthropic impact of the All May See Foundation.

The visit concluded with a conversation about the history and impact of All May See Foundation since its founding in 1971. The students were given the opportunity to share their passions and career aspirations and to ask questions.

The students were particularly inspired by All May See’s deep care for its patients, its commitment to furthering medicine in the field of ophthalmology, and its lasting positive impact on communities.

Here are some take aways the group shared after their visit:

  • “I enjoyed hearing about the philanthropic approaches to raising money for the research and care of the All May See Foundation, and how much of the money being put back into the foundation is from appreciative former patients and families. I was touched by the impact the foundation has had on patients and their families to promote such charitable donations.”
  • “I was also very impressed by the Foundation’s global initiatives in bringing specialized eye care to communities where eye care is not economically or geographically accessible.”
  • “Something that impressed me with the All May See Foundation was how much of a difference they are truly making in people’s lives. Patients donating after they’ve been treated and even having donations for All May See in their wills speaks to how much they are doing for others. I also loved being able to see the facility and learning more about this amazing organization!”
  • “I was inspired by the advancement of medicine and technology.”
  • “It was amazing to see the great efforts being made in the field of ophthalmology.”
  • “All May See was very interesting to hear from and experience, understanding all the things that they do for charity, like the swim! Hearing about that and how engaged people get with this event! I loved how they have connections with the people they help, proving that this company cares for everyone and who they take care of. The Company had a card that they sent to everyone they helped that was drawn by a guest and who was helped there.  Truly showing those connections they cherish.”
  • “I loved going to All May See! I liked how we got to see the inner workings of the foundation through the tour. The meeting room we had our round table in was gorgeous and had a great view. It was overall a great experience and I really appreciate your hospitality.”
  • “I felt as though it was pretty clear how much the foundation cares about their patients. Knowing patients by name and checking in with them throughout their time at the hospital is very important and was reflected thoroughly throughout our visit. I also enjoyed learning about some of the events All May See puts on to bring people together, as well as raise funding for their foundation’s resources in fun and creative ways, such as their swimming event that many of their blind patients participate in! Thank you so much for having us this past March!”
  • Visiting the All May See Foundation was an incredible experience which I’m immensely grateful for. From the very moment I walked into the premises I felt a sense of warmth that you don’t usually expect from a hospital.  Aside from the welcoming pastels of the offices it was inspiring to see and learn about the organization’s story and how they are transforming the lives of thousands across America, and other parts of the world.  Hearing about the first-hand stories of lives impacted through the amazing work at the All May See Foundation has inspired me to approach my journey with a mindset of compassion, empathy, and commitment to making a difference in the world around me.” – Chelsea Kotey, Hartwick College
  • “The tour of the facilities was great, I liked how informative it was and I appreciated getting to see the building while staff and patients were there.” – Patricia Dopazo, Director of Planned Giving
  • “I liked the conversation that we had with the president, Deborah Chesky. She spoke in depth about some of the challenges that she has faced in fundraising for the Foundation, but also highlighted the impact of the work that the Foundation does which was inspiring.” – Patricia Dopazo, Director of Planned Giving