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That Man May See is now All May See

November 23, 2021

We are excited to announce the change of our front-facing name with the launch of our newly renovated website and we are looking forward to the next 50 years under this more inclusive banner.

The process for changing our name began over a year ago in October of 2020, as That Man May See was preparing for its 50th Anniversary celebration and the board of directors embarked on discussions on how the organization would prepare for its next 50 years. The updating of our name, to better represent our forward vision, arose from these meetings. Our staff was tasked with researching the process of updating the organizational name while the board began to explore options for a fitting new name.

The UCSF community was consulted about the statements and symbolism of a new name, and what it would mean when communicated to external partners. That Man May See board members, faculty, staff, patients and families participated in two focus groups to discuss a potential new name. Several options were discussed but following completion of trademark searches, several names were eliminated from consideration. “All May See Foundation” was among the top three name options with the highest ratings among the groups.

The corporate name will not be changed, but the new name will be used as a “Doing Business As” (DBA) or “Fictitious Business Name”. Due to the fact the corporate name will not change, gifts may still be received by our former name, That Man May See.

Thank you for being part of our journey over these last 50 years! We are excited to begin this exciting new chapter in our history.