It was an evening to remember. The All May See Foundation 50th Anniversary Celebration honored the contributions of two impressive leaders dedicated to our mission of curing and preventing blindness, serious eye diseases, and visual impairment so that everyone in the world can see.
Over half a century ago, UCSF clinician scientists Michael Hogan, MD, and Samuel Kimura, MD, founded That Man May See (now All May See Foundation) with the hope of one day restoring sight to the blind and eliminating eye disease. They recognized that private philanthropy could play a significant role in providing researchers with the resources they needed to get their ideas from theory to reality. The foundation was designed to bring clinicians and laboratory scientists together to work to study specific eye diseases at a time when few such institutions existed in the world.
Since 1971, we have kept true to the mission of Drs. Kimura and Hogan, helping to raise funds for research that has led to pioneering breakthroughs in areas like glaucoma, trachoma, retinoblastoma, cataract surgery, and more – all while supporting the next generation of leaders in ophthalmology.
Proceeds from this event benefitted All May See Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides fundraising support for UCSF Ophthalmology and Francis I. Proctor Foundation for Research in Ophthalmology. Your contributions directly fund research, education, patient care and global outreach.
50th Anniversary Event – Photo Gallery
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