Stay up to date on the latest breakthroughs in our field, cutting-edge research, and patient success stories. Learn how we realized our dream in the latest Vision magazine.

All May See Foundation Announces $300,000 in Chair Awards

Periodically, the Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology may request special funding from All May See Foundation. This could be to support residents, medical students, clinical fellows, shared lab support, faculty travel, and more. A formal proposal is submitted to the Foundation and reviewed by its board of directors.

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National Nurses Day 2022

National Nurses Day is celebrated each year on May 6 and marks the start of National Nursing Week, which runs through May 12 ending on Florence Nightingale’s birthday.

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Vision for the Future

The April 2022 Edition of the Nob Hill Gazette features an article Vision for the Future: With a popular swim as a draw, a couple set out to raise awareness and $1 million for UCSF ophthalmology programs, by Anh-Minh Le.

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World Health Day 2022

World Health Day is commemorated each year on April 7th and marks the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948.

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National Doctors’ Day 2022

Doctors’ Day is observed annually on March 30th as a day to celebrate doctors and thank them for their hard work and dedication in our hospitals and communities each day. Their work personifies the best of humanity and we are grateful for all they do!

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All May See Foundation President Awarded CFRE Designation

CFRE International has named Deborah Chesky as a Certified Fund-Raising Executive (CFRE). Ms. Chesky, MBA, LMSW, CFRE is the current President of All May See Foundation.

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All May See Issues a Challenge to Raise Awareness of Gould Syndrome

All May See launched a new challenge for February 2022 to raise awareness of a rare disease called Gould Syndrome, named for Dr. Douglas Gould, Director and Vice Chair for Research for the Department of Ophthalmology.

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Leadership Transition in the School of Medicine

Stephen D. McLeod, MD has announced he is stepping down as Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology at UCSF and will join the American Academy of Ophthalmology as their Chief Executive Officer early in 2022.

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That Man May See is now All May See

We are excited to announce the change of our front-facing name with launch of our newly renovated website and we are looking forward to the next 50 years under this more inclusive banner.

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Kathleen Rydar Inspiration Fund

The Kathleen Rydar Inspiration Fund will secure the future of the vital research needed now more than ever.

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The Augie Fund

The Augie Fund was started by a Bay Area family, the Wintroub-Hansens, in 2013 with That Man May See to provide glasses for young children of low-income families in the Bay Area with ZERO red tape.

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10th Annual Alcatraz Swim for Sight

This year’s Alcatraz Swim for Sight’s goal, through your support, is to raise $250,000 – which will bring the swim’s fundraising efforts close to $1 million dollars!

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